E-Session Signing Album

September 11, 2013

There are lots of options these days when it comes to wedding guest books which are a terrific way to recall ‘words of wisdom’ or ‘cheeky memories’ shared with some of your guests. Sometimes the guest book is the first thing guests get to be part of when they get to the wedding, often on the way to their seats they pen a brief remark. Our brides ask for alternatives to the traditional (but less creative) signing book. ThereĀ  are so many fun ideas out there but here is one of my favourites….

Engagement guestbooks are impressive considering that it lets you show off lots of the engagement session photos, while giving yet another kind of guest book to sign at the wedding reception. Spaces inside the guest book enable wedding guests to jot down sweet advice and best wishes for the couple while displaying the best photos from your engagement photo shoot.

I love the spine of the book that reads “Mr and Mrs”. You can be assured that Justin and Tanya will be keeping this fun book out on show and not in a drawer. Nkiru & Ronald will also be showcasing all the great fun comments that their guests wrote all over their book!