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Day 2 at the Rejuvenate Grand Cayman Seminar Ritz Carlton was jam packed full of amazing talent! The morning started off with local Yoga instructor Doris on the Great Lawn to get everybody ready for the day. Followed with water aerobics with Amanda Klootz was amazing as the pool was filled with Ritz guests and locals to join in the non stop work out using the water as resistance. Next in the culinary kitchen was our very own Sutton Burke who spoke on “Train your brain” with Infinite Mindcare. Attendees as they left were reluctant to leave this class and were chatting about the percentage of negative thoughts we have and how to combat them.

For lunch, the attendees met at the fantastic SEVEN restaurant where they had a Q and A with Dr. Will Cole on Ketotarian diet. What an incredible guy with info on eating right.
After lunch a dance cardio session with the amazing Simone de la Rue, whose theory is the combination of high intensity dance cardio mixed with strength training has been extremely successful in rapidly changing the shape of many female bodies, resulting in a list of long-time, loyal followers.

Next head to the beach for bubbles and meditation with Doris Avalos our very own Yoga instructor from the Ritz Carlton. Then the incredible Tanya Zuckerbrot with the F-Factor followed with cocktails.

Amanda’s classes are a mix of dance and cross training with special attention on form and details to create a unique, fun workout that will have you drenched in sweat in minutes! Her creativity is unmatched, her energy is contagious, and her positivity everlasting. No matter your experience level, you’ll be captivated by Amanda’s radiant persona and empowering attitude

Simone De La Rue is a former dancer turned Hollywood fitness expert, and founder of Body By Simone dance based fitness studios. She is continually named one of Hollywood’s hottest Fitness experts, and celebrity trainers, with high-profile clients and a growing fitness empire

head over to the blog to see day 1 and day 3